Tuesday, August 16, 2011

San Francisco Art: Spraypaint

Sanfran was great today(: nice to get out and see the world and people's culture. But I think the beat part was when I saw this guy spray painting beautiful and I mean BEAUTIFUL artwork! he was doing some right in 
front of us of San Fran and the bridge, takes him like 10 minutes to do one! I was in awe. I couldn't not buy one! I'm gonna frame it(:


Such Wonderful Accidents

so this Careers and Educations class i decided to take this year what i thought teaches you about careers and colleges turned out to be Education Careers...ha XD so im learning how to be a teacher and everything that comes with it. which is so funny because i had always wanted to be a teacher(: when he was talking about it i couldnt stop smiling my heart felt so warm to work with kids(: i think this will be really great for me, i have a good feeling im gonna love this class:)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pink & Purple Eyeliner

 Hottopic is a great place to shop not only because their store is full of really cute things but, especially for their makeup! :-) they have every color of eyeliner you can imagine and matching eyeshadow. ;-)
   Here I demonstrated their pink and purple eyeliner, decided to take a risk and wear pink on top and purple on bottom ;-D I thought it was really cute.

notice the pink heart earrings also from hottopic ;-D
Here's what I used...

Thanks for reading. :-)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

purple eyemakup

So, me(as a teen) loves bright colors lol. so, I like to wear bright eyeliner and eyeshadow(:

Crayon Etching

Crayon Etching: So, when I was little my grandma would show us how to do this neat project where you layer crayons. First, you start with drawing a picture with crayons with a lot of color and perferrably with light/bright colors to see through the black when you etch.
Next you color over the picture with black crayon(heavy)   

Then you take an etching pen or any sharp object(i like to use a sewing needle or pin) and etch a design. (children need parental supervision)